Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Advice Requested

How can you tell if you're being paranoid, or if your intuition finally woke the fuck up and is sending out the alarm?

Seriously. Feel free to comment. I'm having some trouble with this one.


  1. I know it's a cliche`, but "where there is smoke, there is fire." So if one has a "DANGER!" feeling, there is clearly something that isn't right if someone is feeling paranoid/intuitive.

    In an "Opportunity of a Lifetime" situation: anything that seems 'too good to be true'

    Last comment: if you are not prone to flights of fancy? treat it as intuition and listen to that feeling.

  2. If you were Paranoid you wouldn't probaly notice that. Therefor it should be ok if you listen to your bad feelings, but I prefer to always question myself if I can explain these bad feelings in a rational way. Cause Sometimes Bad Feelings stop you from doing things that can turnout to be nice. Don't make ohter people's opinion to you own judgement. Make your own expereince. Think for yourself and (at least pretend to be) openminded.

  3. And don't listen to people with a bad orthography...
